Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Webinar Date

Hello everyone,
Hope all is going well. I am trying to schedule the Webinar for all of us to meet virtually and start our conversation going. I am looking at May 21st at 2:00PM ET. Let me know if this time works for you. According to the survey we had floating around; most of you would like to start by learning a bit more about everyone else. It will be a good way to also find out what topics we are all interested in and set an agenda for blog discussion, around those topics.
It would be great if you could create a 2-3 page PowerPoint presentation for that day that covers:
1. Your department and role in your University
2. What topics you would like to share information on

I am looking forward to it. Please feel share to post any topics or questions on the blog.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Marketing your courses

What are some of the challenges that you have in these areas? How do you market your courses that are not mandatory or compliance related? Do you find that you are getting the response that you are looking for? What type of resources do you have available to you, and what would you like to do differently?

Finding an LMS

A lot of you mentioned to me that you are looking at getting a Learning Management System. A few years ago we went through the process of selecting and implementing a Learning Management System. We also presented at a eLearning Guild conference and CUPA what our experience was like. I am attaching a link to this posting that contains some materials that may assist you with your search and project.
I hope you find it helpful. Let me know if you have any questions.


The Professional Development and Training Office offers a variety of programs and services to meet the diverse needs of the University of Miami employees. They include but are not limited to:
* Organizational Development Services
* Training Services
* Networks
* Competency Based Programs
* e-Learning
* Manage training systems
* Orientations
* Certificate Programs
* Professional Programs
We have 10 people on staff, from which 4 are support staff. We are excited to have the opportunity to share best practices and learn from all of you.