Friday, September 24, 2010


Please send us your contributions to the survey by clicking on the following link [or paste the link into your browser window]:

Survey results can be reviewed at the following website:


Janet Lowe
University of Colorado

Leadership Development

Hello everyone,
We had a great conversation today on Leadership Development. Here’s the link for the recording for today’s Webinar.
I will also post it on the blog. Janet Lowe from the University of Colorado created a Survey on Leadership Development. Take the time to complete it if you haven't yet, it will be a great tool for everyone. The link for the survey is

Janet will be sharing the results on the blog, so that is accessible to everyone.

We also talked about the best way to get together and Janet recommended having a standing date for our Webinars. I will be sending a meeting request for a recurring date of the third Friday of every other month.

For the next Webinar in November we will be continuing talking about Leadership Development, but focusing on blended learning and how to use it to increase our capacity of offering more learning activities, with less resources.

Hope to see you then.